Over the past few years, Mary Lou Lord has grown from shy and sweet folkie to beloved SXSW character. Sure, she'll be a part of label showcases, but if you really wanted to see her in action, all you had to do was just go down Sixth street--usually around 6th and Nueces, and there you'd find her. She would be perched out on the street, singing songs (both her own and covers), bothering nobody, smiling at all the passers-by, cracking jokes and being just downright charming.
You'll note that I used the past-tense in that previous paragraph. See, yesterday--the unexpected happened....Mary Lou Lord's busking was silenced. As shocking as it may sound, it's quite true; yesterday afternoon she was informed by the Austin police department that she was in violation of a "no amplification" law that had recently taken effect. Thus, her performance yesterday afternoon didn't happen. While we have no idea whether or not she was issued a ticket or was given a warning, it doesn't really matter; there's no busking Mary Lou on Sixth street.
Regarless of what Austin city officials think, we happen to love Mary Lou Lord here at Mundane Sounds. Here are three excellent songs from three of her excellent records, and while this isn't quite the same thing as a Mary Lou Lord busking performance, we just want to give you a little something special. Interestingly enough, the lyrics to all three songs unintentionally seem appropriate for this whole damned affair.
BE HER FRIEND!. And, if you're a record label, GIVE HER A DEAL!
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