We here at Mundane Sounds have chosen to celebrate April Fool's day in the best way we know how: by ribbing and joshing one of today's best labels, Sub Pop, via crossword puzzle! After all, nothing says 'famous' better than being mocked via an unknown undergroun publication's crossword puzzle, right? Mr. Dulli, I'm looking your way....
If you know anything about Sub Pop, you'll know those Seattle folk take nothing very seriously (or should that last statement read "nothing very seriously," or should it be "nothing very seriously?" The grammar teacher in me is perplexed!), and have, in their 15* years of good music-making, given the world a chuckle or two. So we're returning the favor! But it's not all fun and games; there's some really informative information in this puzzle of ours, because...aw, shucks, we LOVE those cob-nobblers!
And if you think you know the answers...well, you gotta be a special kind of loser to fully appreciate this one! Just click on the business card, and good luck!
*we steadfastly refuse to recognize 1998 and 2000
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